So, next week, once again, I’ll leave my country and travel to US for a week of meetings with a number companies in Silicon Valley. It will be some sort of “tour the force” but I’ll have the chance to talk with a lot of interesting people and hear about vision, strategies, ideas and products straight from the horse’s mouth!

Many of these companies are startups and they still don’t have a full-fledged presence in Europe, while others are well known brands and it will be very interesting to know how their vision and business is evolving.

Hereby you’ll find a complete list of the companies that I will visit:  

A10 Networks – A small startup born in 2004, their mission is to provide innovative high performance networking and security solutions.

Arkeia – They produce backup solutions since 1996. In the past they were very focused on Linux but now they support more than 150 platforms.

Coraid – I wrote a story about them some weeks ago. Coraid makes interesting ethernet storage systems based on the AoE protocol.

i365 – This company, owned by Seagate, produces cloud based storage systems for SMB environments.

Librato – Librato develops software solutions to maximize the utilization of hardware and software assets in clouds and data centers.

Quantum – This is the biggest company I’m going to visit next week and It’s the most famous of the bunch. This company is living a big change in its life: from tape libraries manufacturer to a most comprehensive  data protection/archiving solutions provider.

Solix – Solix Technologies is a  provider of information lifecycle management and application testing solutions.

StorSimple – Produces a series of application-optimized cloud storage appliacnes for Microsoft Server applications (and now VMware).

zScaler – A security multi-tentant SaaS provider. 

Are you curious to know more? Stay tuned!

Disclaimer: I was invited at this tour by Condor Consulting Group and they paid for travel and accommodation, I have not been compensated for my time and am not obliged to blog. Furthermore, the content is not reviewed, approved or published by any other person than the Juku’s team.