This is my first work day back after a few weeks of vacation… fully recharged for what I’m expecting will be the most interesting period since I’ve joined OpenIO!

In the next four months, between now and the end of the year, we’ll be announcing a lot of new stuff: not only a new SDS version, but also partnerships, new case studies, exciting marketing programs, community efforts and more (but I can’t spill the beans yet).

The team is growing (and working) like crazy – the excitement is palpable, and this is the kind of energy I was looking for when I joined OpenIO. I’m thrilled about what is going to happen!

And after a few months of relative calm on the outside, I’ll be starting to travel again. Meeting partners and end users, as well as going to events, are parts of my job that I really enjoy.

The first stop will be VMworld (Las Vegas) and then I’ll be in the San Francisco Bay Area for a few days (from Aug. 30 to Sept. 1). And if any of you plan to be there during those days, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me, I’ll be glad to talk about storage (and OpenIO 😉 ).

Later, I’ll be probably traveling to China and Japan and many other destinations in the EU.

I also hope to have time to concentrate on some smaller projects, like my RPi-based SDS cluster – for which I finally obtained the last RPi Zero I needed.

I know I’m not updating this blog as often as I should (I’ll try to change this too in the up-coming months and make it interesting to read) but, at the same time, I’d like to keep the conversation alive and I’ll do my best to update it and my social media profiles, with less gelato pictures and more data storage and cloud computing stuff.

I’ll also try to start a podcast… even though this is more wishful thinking than a real project at the moment. Stay tuned anyway! 😉