I started looking into Docker and container ecosystems a while ago, as everyone else in this industry. But, because of my personal experience and the work I do, I’m more interested in infrastructure aspects than developer stuff. And this is also the problem with docker, if you are not a developer, well, good look with it.

I swear, I tried many times, but most of the books are outdated, they are primarily written for developers, the official documentation is organized very badly and it’s hard to find the right info for SysAdmins. What I need is like a reference guide, something that is easy to read and where you can find a sort of how-it-works and how-to.

Docker for SysAdmin

title-page-660x854I wasn’t alone in the quest for something of the sort. Not just an online course but a real book, something you can easily carry with you and use when necessary.

My friend Nigel Poulton, who is a Docker guru and a well known PluralSight author, has finally had the right idea by writing a book for the rest of us (where “rest of us” means infrastructure guys). In fact, “Docker for Sysadmin” has everything you need to learn the basics of docker with SysAdmins in mind or, more in general, from the point of view of the infrastructure.

It’s very well written, briefly explaining all the concepts at the beginning and going into more depth immediately after, giving you options to choose the level of knowledge you are targeting to achieve.

It’s not a long text but, again, it has a great introduction and gives you all the info to install and start playing with it without having to connect the dots yourself with Google searches or documentation that is not as rational as you would like.

Also, the price is more than reasonable….and I think it’s a must have if you want to understand the Docker ecosystem from the SysAdmin point of view. Unfortunately it is available in e-book format only at the moment, but I’m hoping a hard copy version will be added some time in the future. (Although Nigel has promised to keep the digital version of the book updated!!!)

If this were an official review, I would give 5 stars and suggest you purchase the book immediately.

Great job Nigel!

Interested in knowing more about containers? Nigel Will be speaking at TECHunplugged Amsterdam this week (6th of October), join us for a full day of independent presentation, roundtables and peer-to-peer networking on real World IT!