As you probably know I’ve just rejoined the influencers community, and what better start than a Tech Field Day event?

Tech Field Day

Tech Field Days, and SFDs in particular for me, are among the most interesting industry events. You get a chance to meet with a lot of great folks, talk to new innovative startups and primary vendors, compare ideas and spot new trends in a 2/3 day traveling event that brings a bunch of independent influencers across the Silicon Valley directly to startups and vendors HQs.

From the outside it looks pretty simple and straightforward. A dozen influencers gathered around a table listen to and comment on presentations in real time and white board sessions directly with the technology designers and developers, while the audience can interact via social media. The result is an interactive technology deep dive usually followed by great chats with company representatives and industry peers.

It’s an amazing experience and I’m glad that Stephen Foskett and his team invited me again!

Storage Field Day

This time around we will be meeting with a bunch of great startups (NGD Systems, Komprise, StarWind) and an industry giant like Intel. It will be very interesting to see what they have to say, especially because we are ranging from hardcore hardware to data lifecycle management.

I’m planning to write (or record) about all of them. Stay tuned!

Closing the Circle

Storage Field Day 17 will be streamed live. Click here to follow the event and use #SFD17 hashtag to interact with the delegates on twitter.

I’ll be in SF one day before the event (Wednesday 18th), my agenda is filling up pretty quickly but if you are interested in meeting with me for a briefing, drop me a DM.