I'm sitting here at the Bologna airport waiting for my flight to London, as you're probably already aware, me and Enrico will be attending #HDSday in Sefton Park, this is the second bloggers gathering for HDS and we're expecting to see some news on many fronts that are not yet covered in the HDS world, like stacks, a unified (SAN/NAS) offering and a more tight application integration for VMware (like the EMC VSI plugin or NetApp VSC). Apart from myself and Enrico here's the list of the bloggers attending the event:

These names are well known to everyone in the storage industry / twittersphere, this event also sparked a double #storagebeers event, one will be held today (22th) at the Royal Oak in Windsor, the second will be held on the 24th at the Golden Fleece in London, there will be a mashup between regular #storagebeers and Infosmack where the two storage rockstars Greg Knieriemen and Marc Farley (HEY NOW!) will host a live version of the industry famous Infosmack podcast. Unfortunately due to previous engagements we will depart early on thursday and we'll not attend this one-of-a-kind event but I'm sure that it's going to be a hell of fun πŸ™‚

If you still have questions for HDS execs or about HDS technologies that would like to be asked please leave a comment below or reach us at our [firstname]@juku.it