June is just around the corner, and it’s going to be a really busy month for me!
Next week I’ll be traveling to Denver (CO) for an event hosted by Hitachi Data Systems which is reserved for analysts and bloggers. I have high expectations: I’m sure they are working on something new and exciting (probably different from the usual HDS stuff). It will also be a good opportunity to chat with executives and to get the latest about their strategy and vision for the next future.
The week starting the 9th I’ll be attending HP Discover in Las Vegas. Looks like there will be some storage news at the event and I’m also curious to dig deeper into their Openstack strategy. I ‘m also looking forward to the Keynotes. It will be my first time attending a presentation by Satya Nadella (CEO of Microsoft)… I’m very very curious
Last but not least, IT Press Tour. During the last week of June I’ll be in Silicon Valley meeting with several startups. I’ll have the chance to get updates, news and to meet CEO/CTOs of these companies. For me it’s always a great way to get info and news but also for grasping new ideas and having a first hand look at the new technology trends.
That’s all for the moment but stay tuned to receive updates, blogs and probably a few videos 😉
Disclaimer: I was invited to these meeting by the organizers of the events and they paid for travel and accommodation, I have not been compensated for my time and am not obliged to blog. Furthermore, the content is not reviewed, approved or published by any other person than the Juku team.