I know it’s a bit early; two months before the event, you might wonder why I’m already writing about it. I consider Re:Invent the most important event of the year, not just for cloud computing but for IT in general. Amazon is expecting 45,000 people, who will be dispersed across six different hotels, and with a massive expo area. I felt that if I didn’t organize things, I wouldn’t be able to meet with everyone I want to see.

I really wanted to be there, at least to see what is happening across the industry, to spot new trends, find new partners and, – why not? – brief people who want to know more about OpenIO and what we do. I also want to attend the keynotes and a few sessions about S3 and serverless.

Let’s Meet!

My plan is to fly to Las Vegas on Monday, for the central days of the week (which looks like the most interesting part, if you do not care about certifications), and meet as many people as possible.
If you are planning to attend the event, please let me know. I’d love to get as much feedback as I can from other attendees, and share experiences and compare them with what we are doing. If you are an influencer, journalist, or analyst, and you want to learn more about OpenIO technology and products, I’ll be happy to reserve some time for you.
I’m also going to the event to find partners. If you have a solution that could work with our S3-compatible object store or our serverless computing framework, get in touch with me.

Looking for Advice

None of my plans are finalized yet. If you have already attended the event in the past, and have any suggestions about what I should (or shouldn’t) do, just leave a comment here or on Twitter. Thanks!