I’ve just finished a paper for NetApp about Object Storage and StorageGRID (here’s the link if you are interested in knowing more) and I wanted to share here the Executive Summary of the document to give you an idea about the content you’ll find in it:

Business and end users are asking much more of IT now. Mobility of people and devices, new data access patterns, modern applications, and IT consumerization are causing new needs. Users want the best experience, unconstrained access to their data and flexibility while, at the same time, continuous data growth, security concerns and rigidity of traditional IT infrastructures make it very difficult to respond adequately.

Big Data Management Storage Sharing Technology ConceptIt’s now evident that cloud computing, supported by a modern storage infrastructure, is fundamental to coping with this situation. Technology is finally maturing and many organizations are now leaning towards hybrid cloud infrastructures, where they find the agility, flexibility and savings they need to support users and business processes. Leveraging private and public cloud at the same time, makes it possible to take full advantage of the reaction speed allowed by public cloud and the savings enabled by private infrastructures. Looking at this landscape, choosing the right hybrid multi-tier cloud storage is fundamental to manage data locality, meet regulations and company policies while providing tools to manage workload spikes and fast deployment of new projects.

Object storage is a cornerstone for a modern data storage strategy and can be used as a horizontal platform capable of serving many different needs including hybrid cloud storage deployments. Unmatched scalability, standard HTTP-based protocols plus the ability to geographically span across various locations are its main differentiators and enablers. It can also be considered the perfect repository for any kind of data that has to be stored for a long time (like logs, for example) and computed at a later time if needed (Big Data analytics).

NetApp StorageGRID has all the characteristics to be leveraged as a crucial building block in these types of scenarios for both enterprises and xSPs. A rich feature set and flexible deployment options (i.e. software-only or appliance) make it suitable for many applications and use cases, including data archives, media repositories and web applications data. Last but not least, its potential is amplified by the ability to leverage different data protection schemes (i.e. local and global erasure coding as well as multiple object replicas), Amazon S3 compatibility and cloud tiering capabilities (useful to manage at best spikes while maintaining cost under control).

Want to know more? here the link to download the paper.