SFD-Logo2-400x398Next Tuesday, Oct. 20, I’ll be traveling to Silicon Valley for Storage Field Day 8!

Storage Field Day, as well as all the other “Field Days”, is a great event that brings together IT vendors (mostly startups) and influencers.

The idea is simple: each vendor has a two hour slot which is usually filled up with presentations about the company, its vision, product and a live demo. Sessions are always very interactive (and you can participate by using the #SFD8 hashtag on twitter). It will also be broadcasted live on the TFD website (and you can find a video stream at juku.it homepage too). But if you miss it… no worries, everything is recorded and published on Youtube a few hours after the live session!.

This SFD has a tremendous line-up: Cohesity, Coho data, Infinidat, Intel, NexGen, Nimble storage, Primary data, Pure Storage, Qumulo and Violin memory.
And some of them happen to be my top favorites!!! (but I won’t say who they are… you’ll have to wait for my comments or read my old blogs to figure out who I like the most 😉 )

So, here’s the plan: next week from the 21st to the 23rd starting early in the morning (if you’re on PDT) for the whole day, tune in on http://techfield.com to follow and interact live with SFD8!

I’ll be posting the highlights of the event on my blog in the following weeks. Please stay tuned!