Yes, We are back! After the success in London we have decided that it’s time to repeat Amsterdam and why not?… come back to the U.S. in Chicago (IL).
ICYMI, TECHunplugged is a tech conference
A different type of conference but still, a tech conference.
The idea is to bring together influencers, end users and selected vendors for a day of informative and educational sessions, round tables and a lot of networking. Not the classic conference format – in fact we want to keep it small by limiting the number of seats, to provide the best possible interaction amongst the attendees.
TECHunplugged is a full-day event with both independent and sponsored sessions, and open panels with a few breaks for networking time.
The theme we have chosen for 2016 is #RealWorldIT (which is also the official hashtag at/of the event). Influencers and vendors will be talking about new IT trends, giving their own views. Discussions will follow on how these new technologies are being adopted in the real world. We’ll be talking about Storage, Network, Cloud, containers and other components of the stack to try to give a clear idea of what is happening and how to react.
Amsterdam, October 6, 2016
Last year in Amsterdam we had a great event… and I hope we will be able to repeat that experience this year. Contrary to what happened last year, there will be less storage, but more cloud and network sessions. And I think this small change in format will give us the opportunity to make the chat even more interesting (as it happened in London!).
The exact venue will be announced shortly (it won’t take long) and the agenda will be ready in a few days. You can find out more about the influencers and agenda here while the registration form is available here.
Chicago, October 27, 2016
This is the first time for us in Chicago. And I’m quite excited about this.
Austin, in February, was the first experience in the U.S. and we learned a lot about how to run an event in the U.S. and make it work while remaining consistent in terms of quality and quantity of the content.
Chicago has a large IT community and I think we will be able to put together a great group of influencers and end users to talk about the hottest IT topics. It’ll be fun and interesting!
We’re working on getting all the details ready within a couple of weeks: the list of influencers, the venue and agenda. You can find all the details by following this link and the registration form is available here.
We will also be organizing a meet-up the night before the event. I don’t have details yet, but the idea is to have an even more informal moment to share experiences and talk about IT (and of course about other stuff ) while enjoying a beer.
I’ll share details about locations in a few weeks…
Sign up today!
TECHunplugged is a free event for end users but seating is limited (vendor employees are required to pay a small fee to have access). If you plan to attend don’t wait too long, last time in the UK we had a full house and we want to make sure we can provide all attendees with the best experience possible. I hope you’ll join us and if you want to have an idea of what happens at TECHunplugged take a look at the videos we recorded at the last event!
Registration forms for Amsterdam and Chicago are available on the TECHunplugged website or directly on the eventbrite website (here – Amsterdam, and here – Chicago).
Sponsors are welcome
TECHunplugged is free for end users and is hosted by well-respected industry influencers. They will be joined by a few selected sponsors with the objective to provide real product examples as well as their views concerning the future of IT enterprises.
This is why 60% of the content comes from independent sources while the rest is provided by sponsors.
Sponsors are an important element for TECHunplugged because they allow free access to educational material and useful information for the attendees.
Equally, this seminar is also important for the sponsoring companies: they are given the opportunity to talk to a very focused group of end users and IT professionals who are actively involved in the acquisition process for their companies.
If you like the TEChunplugged conference concept, please don’t hesitate to contact us for any further information regarding sponsorship opportunities: