The next two weeks are going to be pretty busy for me. I’ll be attending two of my favorite events, one in Europe (Powering The Cloud) and the other one in the US (Storage Field Day 6)… and I’m pretty excited about both of them.
Powering The Cloud
This is one of the few interesting events about data storage in Europe, I know that the name doesn’t say a lot about storage but my agenda is packed with meetings, sessions and briefings from Monday to Wednesday. I’m sure I’ll come back with a lot to report.
And there is more! StorageBeers, the usual meetup with fellow bloggers, analysts, vendors and whoever stops by and wants to join the conversation, will be at its classic location at the American bar next to the Marriot Hotel reception (in Frankfurt of course!).
Storage Field Day 6
A week later I’ll be flying to the US, once again to Silicon Valley, for one of the best events of the storage industry: Storage Field Day!
You probably already know that Storage Field Day is part of a larger series of vertical events organized by Stephen Foskett and his crew (others cover Networking, Virtualization, Wireless, and there are the original TFD and “Extra” events too). These events are specifically for bloggers where the presenters (the vendors) get grilled for a couple of hours by all of us while being recorded and streamed live! This means that you can always be sure to get the best from the presenter (no marketing, no cheating!) and from the conversation that follows. Pretty cool, right?
The videos are always worth a watch and remote attendees can interact with us by asking questions and adding comments on twitter. That’s the power of #SFD6 (this is the official hashtag, for your convenience 😉 )
You’ll find a box with the live stream on the right side bar of this blog, but you can also watch it on the Tech Field Day website and all the recorded videos will be available on Youtube within hours after the live show.
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had the honor of being part of this event, but I never say no because the quality of the sessions and the insightful chats with other attendees are invaluable to me. And also this time there will be a great line up of vendors presenting: Avere systems, Coho Data, Nec, Nexenta, Pure Storage, StorMagic and Tegile! And I already know they all have some updates and great stories to tell.
Stay tuned !
PS: If you arel attending PoweringTheCloud and want to say hi, ping me on twitter… and don’t forget about StorageBeers!
PPS: If you are an independent blogger and you like traveling don’t be shy and sign up to become a Tech Field Day delegate. It’s good for you (more visibility), for your blog (great content for your articles) and, above all, for your readers (great stories to read). The greater the number of people, the more we benefit from the conversation!
Disclaimer: I was invited to these events by the organizers and they paid for travel and accommodation, I have not been compensated for my time and am not obliged to blog. Furthermore, the content is not reviewed, approved or published by any other person than the Juku team.