[UPDATE: 27th of November 2014.

NIMBUS DATA, in the person of its CEO, has asked (not very kindly indeed) to remove this video because it doesn’t reflect their position/messaging anymore. This is what they officially say to me…

I also offered to maintain the video online and give them the opportunity to record a second one, but they don’t want this particular video.

Even if it was clear since the beginning that this interview was going to be published on the blog, I don’t have a written permission and I don’t want to risk a useless lawsuit, so I gave up. In any case, the video doesn’t have any value, it’s like a spot where the CEO talks about the features and the customers they claim to have.]

In this video Tom Isakovich, founder and CEO at Nimbus Data Systems, introduces his company and the vision behind their products (SSD storage arrays). I’ll write a post about them very soon but, in the meantime, enjoy the video!

Disclaimer: I was invited at this meeting by Condor Consulting Group and they paid for travel and accommodation, I have not been compensated for my time and am not obliged to blog. Furthermore, the content is not reviewed, approved or published by any other person than the Juku’s team.