Last week I got to meet up with Poojan Kuma and Satyam Vaghani (respectively CEO and CTO of Pernix Data). During the briefing I got news and updates from the company (most of them will be released at next VMWorld).
FVP, this is the name of the product, is a very sophisticated distributed caching solution for VMware environments, which allows to use Flash (and soon RAM!) to provide write caching capabilities too. Performance is outstanding with the immediate result of taking full advantage of every component of the infrastructure at best. By separating performance from space you can obtain a much more balanced architecture.
The product is evolving very rapidly (and in the right direction, IMHO) and the company is is experiencing one success story after the other.
During the meeting I’ve recorded an interview with Satyam, The man who invented VMFS. A very brilliant man with an interesting vision about the future of storage and its trends. In this interview he shares his ideas, some info about Pernix Data and poses questions about the future of storage now that it isn’t no longer the bottleneck. It’s worth a watch.
Enjoy the video!
Satyam Vaghani (CTO of Pernix Data) talks about storage performance from Juku on Vimeo.