If you follow the storage twittersphere you’ll certainly know that next week two major players will host big events: HP will host HP Discover in Vegas and Dell will present their latest storage innovations at their first Dell Storage Forum in sunny Orlando, FL
Enrico will attend HP Discover, courtesy of HP, meanwhile yours truly will cut his teeth on the new Dell storage propositions at #DellSF11 (which is the official hashtag for the event), so if you have any questions on Equallogic, Compellent, Exanet, Ocarina, and other Dell’s technologies, don’t be shy and drop me a message, I’ll be glad to ask any questions directly to the Dell execs that will host the event.
If you’ll be around Orlando during next week and you’re up for a good party, stop by the Raglan Road Irish Pub for the second Infosmack Live! hosted by the notorius Greg Knieriemen and the diva of disruptive technology: Christina Weil, don’t miss it!
Se segui la twittersfera dello storage certamente già saprai che la prossima settimana due grandi player terranno due eventi molto importanti: HP terrà l' HP Discover a Las Vegas e Dell presenterà le loro ultime innovazioni dello storage al loro primo Dell Storage Forum nella ridente Orlando in Florida Enrico…
In "Cloud"

In the last days we saw -again- a recurring and interesting rumor about Dell interested in buying Brocade. This week we (me and Fabio) will attend two important vendor events: HP Discover and Dell Storage Forum and I'm pretty sure we'll see Brocade showing renewed partnerships with both to compete against…
In "Storage"
I was sitting on the patio today relaxing with a drink when I realized that I forgot to write a wrap-up post about Dell Storage Forum that took place last month at the Hilton adjacent to Disney Downtown in sunny Orlando, Florida. That week saw a strange conjunction of events,…
In "Storage"