It’s that time of the year again and I’m getting ready to fly to Copenhagen for three days of virtualization-related madness at VMworld Europe.

VMworld Europe is usually regarded as the poor man’s VMworld due to its size (compared to the US event) but it’s still the go-to event in Europe for everything virtual, and this year many high-profile vendors will unveil new products and make announcements.

My schedule is already packed, I will split my time between technical sessions and vendor meetings during all my time in Copenhagen, if you want to meet up with me just give me a shout on Twitter or drop by the Veeam party on Tuesday, I’m always eager to meet fellow tweeps and virtualization enthusiasts.

Tonight (Monday) the Italian VMUG will hold a completely informal Beer/Dinner gathering at the Apollo Bryggeriet, a gorgeous location just around the corner from the Tivoli park in downtown Copenhagen so come and join us!