During HP Discover I had the chance to sit down with some great HP folks, one of these “coffee talks” revolved around a new storage industry-wide effort called SCSI Express.
I recorded a pretty long video (30+ mins) using my camera that unfortunately was thought to be lost in a hard drive crash that I suffered the week after I got back from Vienna, but, fortunately enough, I was recently able to recover it almost entirely using a data recovery product.
I know that it’s been a long time since HP held Discover in Europe but I thought that the video would be very interesting regardless, given that the SCSI Express technology is basically still a work in progress.
The video starts with the “coffee talk” with Ashok Patel and Joe Foster and then follows with a quick demo at the booth, the speeds were impressive!.
Enjoy the Video!
DISCLAIMER: HP invited me to the event and covered traveling and lodging expenses but I’m under no obligation to write, tweet or say anything about the event.

Durante l'HP Discover ho avuto l'occasione di parlare con alcuni interessanti personaggi di HP, uno di questi "coffee talks" aveva come argomento un nuovo progetto condiviso con tutta l'industria dello storage: lo SCSI Express. Ho registrato un lungo video (più di 30 minuti) con la mia videocamera che sfortunamente è…
In "Cloud"
Last week, at the SNW Europe event, I met Marty Czekalski. He works for Seagate and serves as president at the SCSI Trade Association. SCSI Trade Association was formed in 1996 to promote the use and understanding of small computer system interface ("SCSI") technology, STA is now actively working to…
In "Storage"
Questo video è stato registrato durante L'SNW Europe della scorsa settimana. Marty Czekalski (Seagate) è il presidente della SCSI Trade Association. SCSI Trade Association è una associazione no-profit fondata nel 1996 per promuovere la tecnologia small computer system interface ("SCSI"). STA si occupa anche di supportare lo sviluppo degli standard…
In "Cloud"